CAMP founders Frederikke Hansen and Tone Olaf Nielsen are working on CAMP status! Seven Years of Engaging Art on Migration Politics, a recollective book publication forthcoming in September 2020. The book looks back at the center’s unique production of migration engaged exhibitions, events, publications, and education programs from 2013–2020 and reflects on its methodologies and conclusions.
Presenting the Threshold(s) catalog
CAMP awarded DKK 50,000 grant by the Danish Arts Foundation
We are honored to receive a grant of DKK 50,000 from the Danish Arts Foundation for CAMP’s two-year exhibition program, ‘State of Integration: Artistic analyses of the challenges of coexistence’. The Art Foundation writes:
"Over the past two years, the overall theme of CAMP's exhibitions has been 'The State of Integration: Artistic analyses of the challenges of coexistence', and through exhibitions curated by internationally acclaimed artists and curators such as Nicholas Mirzoeff, Temi Odumosu, Galit Eilat and Tania Bruguera, CAMP looks at major issues regarding coexistence, integration, identity, displacement and exile.”
Read the full reason for the award here (in Danish).