We shout and shout, but no one listens: Art from conflict zones
March 3 – June 17, 2017
Material from CAMP's fifth exhibition in the 2-year exhibition program Migration Politics.
Exhibition catalog /
Exhibition catalog in English
(click to read and to download printable pdf)
Udstillingskatalog på dansk
(klik for at læse og
downloade printvenlig pdf)
Press material /
Features & Reviews /
Mette Sandbye, "Vi råber og råber" / review in Weekendavisen, March 10, 2017.
Torben Sangild, "At trænge gennem følelsesløsheden" / review at kunsten.nu, March 17, 2017.
Kristian Vistrup Madsen, "Regarding the pain of others" / review on Arterritory.com, March 12, 2017.
Alix Rothnie, "Curating the Border between Aesthetics and Action" / feature on Curatingthecontemporary.org, May 7, 2017.