from the mountains to the valleys, from the deserts to the seas: journeys of historical uncertainty

Sept. 25 – Dec. 12, 2015

Material from CAMP's second exhibition in the 2-year exhibition program Migration Politics.


Exhibition catalog /

Exhibition catalog in English (click image to read or to download printable pdf)

Udstillingskatalog på dansk (klik for at læse eller downloade printvenlig pdf)

Press material /

Features & Reviews /

Matthias Hvass Borello, “Kunstens flygtningekommisær" /, October 14, 2015 (TEXT).

Sarah Piil, “Her kommenterer kunsten den uretfærdige verdensorden” / Fagbladet Billedkunstneren, no. 4, 2015, pp. 7-9 (TEXT). 

Mette Sandbye, “Glasmenageri på flugt”Weekendavisen, October 9, 2015 (TEXT).