About ›
CAMP / Center for Art on Migration Politics was a nonprofit exhibition space for art discussing questions of displacement, migration, immigration, and asylum. The center was operative from 2015–2020 and was located in Trampoline House, an independent community center in Copenhagen that provides refugees, asylum seekers, and ethnic minority Danes in Denmark with a place of support, community, and purpose. CAMP produced exhibitions, events, publications, and education programs about migration and the questions this phenomena gives rise to today. The center worked with renowned international artists as well as less established practitioners, most with refugee or migrant experience, and gained international recognition for breaking new ground in exhibiting and communicating art that makes the human and societal challenges posed by migration present and relatable. ›
CAMPs grundlæggere Frederikke Hansen og Tone Olaf Nielsen har i løbet af de sidste seks måneder arbejdet på CAMP status! Syv års arbejde med migrationspolitisk kunst, en tilbageblikspublikation som udkommer den 27. september 2020. Bogen ser tilbage på centrets unikke produktion af migrationsengagerede udstillinger, events, publikationer og uddannelsesprogrammer fra 2013–2020 og reflekterer over dets metoder og konklusioner. Udgivelsen bliver CAMPs sidste aktivitet, før centret lukker sine udstillingsaktiviteter i Trampolinhuset per 1. oktober.
For the past six months, CAMP founders Frederikke Hansen and Tone Olaf Nielsen have been working on CAMP status! Seven Years of Engaging Art on Migration Politics, a recollective book publication forthcoming on September 27, 2020. The book looks back at the center’s unique production of migration engaged exhibitions, events, publications, and education programs from 2013–2020 and reflects on its methodologies and conclusions. The publication will be CAMP's last activity before the center closes its exhibition activities in Trampoline House on October 1.
Threshold(s) is a group show guest curated by Dr. Temi Odumosu. The exhibition explores experiences of displacement and exile by considering how people and their memories ‘crossover’ and then inhabit land, culture, identities, structures, even language. Click to read more…
Events ›
❤️ THANKS TO ALL THE PEOPLE who celebrated the release of the recollective publication CAMP status! Seven Years of Engaging Art on Migration Politics with us last Sunday and said farewell to CAMP, which officially closed on October 1. It was a beautiful day with touching presentations by Shakira Kasigwa Mukamusoni, Nermin Durakovic, Dady de Maximo, and Jean Claude Mangomba as well as a thoughtful keynote by Sabine Dahl Nielsen and Anne Ring Petersen. You can hear or re-hear the presentations in two online videos. Click here to watch part 1 and part 2.
200 copies of this beautiful book about CAMP's history and methodologies arrived this week! Both an English and a Danish version is available from Sept. 28.
On Sept. 27, CAMP is inviting the public to a festive launch of the book CAMP status! Seven Years of Engaging Art on Migration Politics in Trampoline House. Click to read more about the event, which will be CAMP’s last activity before the center closes on Oct. 1.
We are proud to announce that CAMP's founders and curators, Frederikke Hansen and Tone Olaf Nielsen, will be part of the upcoming documenta. The next edition of the leading international contemporary art exhibition, which takes place every five years in Kassel, opens in June 2022 and is directed by the Indonesian artist collective, ruangrupa. Click to read more
Tærske(l) er en gruppeudstilling, som er gæstekurateret af den britiske kunsthistoriker og teoretiker Temi Odumosu. Udstillingen undersøger erfaringer med fordrivelse og eksil gennem de måder, hvorpå mennesker og deres erindringer krydser hinanden og sidenhen bebor land, kultur, identiteter, strukturer og tilmed sprog. Klik for at læse mere…